Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Install Windows XP via MiniXP

Now, if you have played with your boot USB enough you have probably already found this out.
Ok, so to install a version of XP without having to boot to a CD you can use your new toy (The Bootable Flash Drive) but of course you will initially need the setup CD for Windows XP. This can be any version you have (or all versions.)

Copy the Setup Files

So, first insert your XP Setup CD, and copy ALL of the files from the CD to a directory on your flash drive. I like to keep things clean so I myself have made multiple directories, one for each version of XP (Being Retail, OEM, Home and Pro. [64-bit if your Lucky]) In this tutorial we will reference to XP Pro OEM 32-Bit.
Ok, you have your XP Pro Setup CD copied to the Directory ("X:/Setup/OEM/XP/Pro" in my case.)

Boot To MiniXP

Next we boot to our USB drive on the PC that you will be installing XP on and select the second menu option (MiniXP).

Format the Hard Drive

When MiniXP loads you first need to format the HDD you will install XP on. This is done the same as you would in a normal installation of XP (That is My Computer, Right click on the HDD, then "Format")

Configure Boot Records

The next thing we need to do is configure the boot records of the HDD and partition. Hiren has included a program in his program launcher that does this called BootICE.
  1. Navigate to the program launcher (which should be minimized in the system tray or "HBCD Menu" on the desktop.)
  2. Click Programs -> Partition / Boot / MBR -> BootICE. 

You will get a screen like this.
     3.  Select your HDD in the drop down menu.
     4.  Click Process MBR (This will configure the Master Boot Record of the physical HDD.)

     5.  Select "Windows NT 5.x MBR" and Click "Install / Config" then OK -> OK.
     6.  Next Click "Process PBR" (This will configure the Partition Boot Record of the logical HDD.)
     7.  First, select the correct partition in the drop down menu (Depending on how you formatted the HDD you should only have one partition and won't need to change this.)
     8.  Click "Install / Config" -> OK -> OK.
You have now successfully configured the boot records of you HDD.

Finally Installing XP

Now, we need to go back to Hirens Program Launcher, and go to "Programs -> Other -> WinNTSetup"
This program will put all the setup files onto the HDD and when we boot to the HDD we will begin setting up XP.

If you did it right there should be no (X)'s over on the right hand side.
(Mine is like that cause this is only for educational purposes, and i am not actually installing XP)
Next, few steps are pretty self explanatory.
     1.  Find the folder where you stored your setup files. (Mine are at "X:/Setup/OEM/XP/Pro)
     2.  Select where you want to install XP to. (Generally C:)
     3.  Select where you will store the Setup files. (Just use C: as well, because we will just boot to C: and install it from there as it is much easier)
     4.  There is no need to select any extra options, unless you want to, I only recommend it for more advanced users as there is no real use for novice users.
     5.  Click Setup
     6.  Select the option "Automatically Reboot PC" -> Click OK
     7. When the PC reboots, remove your flash drive and boot to the Hard Drive and complete the installation as you would normally.